Temporary Parking

Looking to park on campus for a meeting, for one class, or just for one day? Our temporary parking options may suit you best. Daily and monthly permits are available to Staff and Faculty members only.

Daily Parking (Staff and Faculty Only)

Daily permits are available to purchase online via Ops-com for registered staff and faculty members. You must first create a profile and have received your confirmation email to access the permits online. The daily permits cost $20.00 per day. Please ensure that your license plate number on your profile is accurate otherwise it may result in ticketing.

Monthly Parking (Staff and Faculty Only)

Monthly permits are available to purchase online via Ops-com for registered staff and faculty members. You must first create a profile and have received your confirmation email to access the permits online. Monthly permits cost $70.00 per month. Please ensure that the dates you select for your monthly permit on Ops-com are exactly one calendar month in length (ie. October 4 – November 3).

Pay & Display Parking

Dedicated Pay & Display parking spaces are available in the Arena parking lot on Inglis St. for your convenience. For more information, please see our Parking Map. The Pay & Display machine accepts Visa and Mastercard. The ticket stub must be displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle. Parking permits are not valid in the pay & display spots.

$1.50/30 minutes



Metered Parking

Dedicated meter parking spaces are available across campus. For more information, please see our Parking Map. Meters are $3/hour with a maximum of 4 hours. Meters accept Canadian quarters, dollars, and toonies. Parking permits are not valid in metered spots.

Visitor Parking by Internal Request

Departments requesting complimentary parking for a student-related event should send a detailed email to Facilities Management at facilities.management@smu.ca. Please indicate the following information in your email:

  • The reason you would need parking
  • The specific dates and times of the event
  • License plate numbers on the vehicles that would require validation

**Please keep in mind we offer Pay & Display and metered parking for guests that are visiting campus for the day. This is a cost-effective method for visitors to park on campus.

Approval will be given based on the circumstances of the event. Please send your request at least 3 business days prior to the day that the permit is needed (1-2 weeks in advance for larger events). 

Contact us
Facilities Management