


Name:                          Parking

Policy Number:                 3-1029

Origin:                          Facilities Management

Approved:                     2007-DEC-18

Issuing Authority:         Senior Director, Facilities Management

Responsibility:               Manager, University Security

Revision Date(s):             December 18, 2007, August 1, 2009, October 28, 2009,
July 9, 2012, April 22, 2013, October 1, 2014, August 1, 2015, June 27, 2017, July 17, 2018

Effective Date:              2018-JULY-17




Parking is available to Saint Mary’s University Faculty, Staff, Students and facility users. 

The number of General Student parking passes sold shall be established based on available spots.

Parking rates will be established each year by the budget committee.

Parking shall be managed by Security in accordance with this policy.


Saint Mary’s University is not liable for damage due to any cause whatsoever to a vehicle or its contents while it is parked on the Saint Mary's University premise.


The University has the authority to regulate parking on campus.  The University grounds are private property. The University therefore has the right to take action for violations of parking and traffic regulations.  The rules and regulations of parking on campus are prepared by Facilities Management under the authority of the Vice-President, Finance & Administration.

Please Note: Saint Mary’s University grounds are private property and as such, the University has the right to take action for violations of parking and traffic regulations. Saint Mary’s University reserves the right to restrict access to any portion of the campus parking facilities, regardless of the time of the year, for maintenance, safety, special events,  snow removal or other reasons deemed necessary by the university.


Available Parking Permits

  1. General – designated for university staff and students. Parking available in general parking lots only.
  2. Full-time Faculty – permits designated for full-time faculty, professional librarian and senior administration. Parking available in faculty designated areas and general parking lots.
  3. Part-time Faculty – permits designated for part-time faculty only. Valid in general parking lots until 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday; valid in faculty designated areas only after 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday.
  4. Residence Parking – permits designated for Saint Mary's University students living in residence. These permits are for the general above ground Rice lot if overnight parking is required and the student does not have underground parking.
  5. Loyola Underground – permits designated for Saint Mary’s University students, faculty, or staff who wish to have a reserved spot in the underground lot. Persons who obtain an underground permit may not park in an above ground general space. You will be subject to ticketing.
  6. Homburg – permits designated for Homburg Centre for Health and Wellness members who are not students, staff or faculty of Saint Mary's University. Contact the Homburg Centre at 420-5555 for further information. These permits are valid in the Homburg parking lot only.
  7. Temporary – permits designated for guests, visitors, students, staff and faculty. These permits are available daily, weekly and monthly. A ceiling is placed on the number of temporary permits sold daily during the academic year. These permits will be sold to students, based on availability of parking Monday through Thursday during the academic year. Temporary permits are non-refundable.

*Departments expecting guests to visit the campus should direct guests to the pay & display lot, or if purchasing a temporary permit should request the parking permit prior to the guest’s arrival. 

  1. Contractor – permits designated for contractors working on campus at the request of Saint Mary's University and who require the use of a company vehicle while on campus.
  2. Summer – permits designated for students, staff, and faculty during the months of May, June, July and August.
  3. Motorcycle – permits designated for faculty, staff and students. Parking available in designated motorcycle spots only and permit decal must be visible. Motorcycles parked in car/truck parking spaces will be ticketed.


Parking Permit Application Process

Students, staff and faculty shall apply for parking permits per the following process:

  1. Applications must be submitted on-line ( All parking tickets must be paid prior to issuance of a parking permit.
  2. Student applicants must supply proof of student status before issuance of a parking permit. Acceptable documents include an updated Saint Mary’s University ID card with a current validation sticker or a current registration receipt.
  3. Student applications, for general and residence, shall be accepted beginning the first week of August each year. Student parking permits shall be sold on a first come, first serve basis by application time and not by pick up. Once the designated number are sold out, all subsequent student parking applicants will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted if a parking permit becomes available. All permits must be picked up and paid for in person.
  4. Student permit payment and pick up shall begin at least 2 weeks after the application process has begun, on a date designated by Facilities Management each year. Underground and motorcycle permits are to be picked up and paid for in the Facilities Management office. Above ground 8 month, 12 month and overnight permits may be picked up and paid for in the Service Centre office until the specified date. All permits sold after that date, shall be picked up in the Facilities Management office. All permits shall be held until a date in September, which shall be designated by Facilities Management. If the permit is not paid for and picked up by that date, it will be sold to the next student on the wait list.
  5. Underground parking applications shall be accepted by Residence students only, during the first two weeks of August on a first come, first serve basis. Beginning the third week of August, applications will be accepted from all students, staff, faculty and professional librarians on a first come, first serve basis.
  6. Staff and faculty above ground parking permit applications shall be accepted beginning the first week of August each year. Payment and pickup shall begin 2 to 3 weeks after the application process has begun, on a date designated by Facilities Management each year. All permits are to be picked up and paid for, in the Facilities Management office.
  7. Full time staff, full time faculty and full time professional librarians may purchase a 12 month parking permit through payroll deduction. Payment through payroll deduction will be taken up to a designated date each year. This date is determined on an annual basis by Facilities Management. The fee for the parking permit will be deducted from the employee’s pay for 10 consecutive pays according to the schedule put forth by Payroll Services. Payroll deduction shall not be used for motorcycle permits. Payroll deduction requests made after the designated date will only be considered for new employees and employees returning from approved leave, excluding vacation leave.
  8. Part time faculty shall receive one above ground parking permit, upon submission of a parking application. If underground has been chosen, the permit must be paid for at the full time faculty rate. Part time faculty may not use payroll deduction.

Parking Permit Regulations

  1. Purchasing any type of parking permit on campus does not guarantee the holder a parking space.
  2. Parking permits must be clearly visible. They are to hang on the vehicle’s rear view mirror
  3. Motorcycle parking permits must be clearly displayed on the front of the motorcycle and parking is limited to designated motorcycle parking areas.
  4. Only one permit per person will be issued.
  5. Parking permits may not be transferred from one individual to another individual.
  6. Permits will not be valid once the purchaser withdraws from all scheduled classes or leaves the University’s employ.
  7. Lost or stolen permits may be replaced for a fee of $10.00. Please report all lost and stolen parking permits to Facilities Management.
  8. Parking for part-time faculty is available in general parking lots prior to 4:00 pm and faculty designated areas after 4:00 pm.
  9. Students issued general parking permits are for student use only. Students who are employed by the University in a part-time role or by an associated body (SMUSA or Aramark) are not eligible for staff parking permits.
  10. Staff members issued general parking permits are for staff use only. Staff members employed as part-time faculty members or who are students are not eligible for part-time faculty parking permits or student parking permits.
  11. Full time faculty permits are issued only to Full time faculty members, Professional Librarians and Senior Management group.
  12. Part time faculty members are issued part-time parking permits. Part-time faculty members, are those identified by the VP Academic and Research.
  13. Part time faculty members may choose either an automobile permit or a motorcycle permit as complimentary, not both.
  14. Homburg parking permits are available to Homburg Centre for Health and Wellness members who are not Saint Mary’s University staff, students or faculty. These permits are valid in the designated Homburg parking lot.
  15. Underground parking permits are valid for underground parking only. These permits are not valid in General lots.
  16. Parking on campus overnight is available to Residence students with an overnight student pass. Residence permits are only valid in the Rice Parking lot. Due to limited parking on campus, Saint Mary’s University is unable to provide parking for overnight guests of residents from Monday to Thursday. Parking may be issued for overnight guests visiting Friday to Sunday provided University Security is notified. Weekend parking for guests is located in the Arena parking lot only.
  17. The campus speed limit is 15 km/hr.
  18. Altering, duplicating or selling any permit, is not permitted. If a permit is no longer needed by the purchaser, it is to be returned to Facilities Management.


Parking Meters

Meters are located throughout the university campus.  The meter parking is charged at an hourly rate posted at the meter. 


Pay & Display

Pay & Display parking is located in the Inglis Street parking lot. The parking is charged at an hourly or daily rate posted at the pay & display meter.


Parking Violations

Violators will be subject to a Saint Mary’s University parking ticket, Halifax Municipal Police Department traffic ticket, wheel-boot or towing at the discretion of the Manager, Security Services, Saint Mary's University, for:

  1. Violations for meters with elapsed time or malfunctioning meters. Report all ‘out of order’ meters to University Security, McNally Main Basement. Parking permits are not valid at parking meters.
  2. Parking on campus without a permit between the hours of 8:00am – 5:00pm.
  3. Parking in an area not designated as a parking area or using the incorrect type of permit.
  4. Parking in an area that obstructs a fire hydrant, a loading/service door, a fire exit or parking in a fire lane.
  5. Parking on grass, lawn or walkways.
  6. Parking in an area that blocks a roadway, driveway or entranceway.
  7. Parking in a “No Parking” area that is designated by a sign, yellow curb or pavement markings.
  8. Parking in a mobility disabled parking space without a university permit and a Registry of Motor Vehicle’s Mobility Disabled Identification Permit Plate or Tag.
  9. Parking in a designated underground parking space without a valid underground permit

If any vehicle has three (3) or more unpaid Saint Mary’s University parking tickets, Security may place a wheel-boot or issue Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) parking ticket for any future violations of University parking regulations.  The University will not cancel any HRM parking tickets issued by Security.

If Security issues a second HRM parking ticket on a vehicle after one hour or more from issuance of the first HRM ticket, Security may have the vehicle towed off campus at the owner’s expense.

Security may issue an HRM ticket or place a wheel-boot on the first offence for the following violations: parking in a fire lane or obstructing a fire hydrant, parking in a marked no parking zone where it potentially obstructs traffic or emergency service vehicles, unauthorized parking in a reserved underground space, or parking in an accessible space with no valid accessible hang tag or plate and for each subsequent violation following a wheel-boot application and removal. The Manager, Security Services may also have a vehicle in violation towed off-campus at his/her discretion. 

Parking Ticket Appeals

A parking ticket may be appealed by completing the appropriate appeal document and submitting the document to the Manager, University Security (McNally Main Basement). Appeal forms may be picked up at University Security.

Parking Areas On Campus

  1. General Parking
    • Science Parking Lot – located on the corner of Inglis St. and Robie St.
    • Arena Parking Lot – located on the corner of Inglis St. and Tower Rd.
    • Homburg Parking Lot – located on Tower Rd, directly to the south of the Homburg. This lot is for Homburg members who hold a Homburg parking permit.
    • Rice Parking Lot – located on the corner of Tower Rd. and Gorsebrook Ave. This lot is also used for overnight parking for residence students.
    • Gorsebrook Parking Lot – located to the south of the Sobey Building, entrance off Robie St.
    • Oaks Parking Lot – located at the south end of Robie St.
    • Motorcycle Parking – TBD
    • Inglis Street lot – Located west of the Arena parking lot.


  1. Faculty Parking - Designated faculty parking areas exist in the Science, Gorsebrook and McNally Front Parking Areas, as per signage.
  2. Accessible Parking - Designated accessible parking areas exist in front of the Sobey Building; in front of the McNally Main building; McNally East entrance in the McNally Rear Parking Lot; east and west side of the Arena Parking Lot; at the Homburg building entrance and the southeast end of the Science Parking Lot.
  3. Parking Meters - Located at the south end of the Science Parking Lot, west end of the Arena Parking Lot, and behind the McNally Building in the McNally East Parking Lot.
  4. Pay & Display Parking – Designated pay & display parking areas exist to the right once you enter the Inglis street parking lot.
  5. Contractor Parking - Contractors can park in any of the general lots in a non-designated space.


Parking Map

A campus map is available at or at Facilities Management, McNally South, rm 011.

Temporary Permit Issuance

  1. Facilities Management shall issue all temporary permits for General, Faculty and Contractor parking on campus.
  2. Maximum number of temporary permits issued per day will be set by University Security, Manager.
  3. Any department on campus requesting permits for distribution shall request permits from Facilities Management. If a department is requesting more than 25 permits, the request shall be in writing at least one week prior to the date required.  An assessment shall be done to determine if the required number of parking permits can be issued based on availability of parking spots.
  4. If a department is requesting a parking permit(s) for guest speakers, the request shall be made to the Facilities Management office at least one day in advance.
  5. Departments requiring permits for availability to invited guests shall request the permits through Facilities Management; the Security Manager may approve.
  6. Payment may be made with cash, credit card, debit or cheque.

*Departments shall not use budget transfers or University credit cards for payment.


  1. Facilities Management shall approve refunds per the following:
  2. shall not be awarded after June 30th for full year permits;
  3. shall not be awarded after March 31st for 8 month permits;
  4. shall not be awarded for summer permits;
  5. shall be awarded on a prorated monthly basis, based on month of inquiry.
  6. shall be returned by crediting the permit holders credit or debit card
  7. SMU photo ID must be shown before a refund is given.
  8. Permits that are sold during the intersession, for the period of May 1st – August 1st are non-refundable under any circumstances.
  9. Temporary permits are non-refundable.
  10. Pro-rated fees for motorcycle permits are not available. Motorcycle permits are non-refundable.

Bicycle Parking

Definition – for the purposes of this policy a bicycle means a vehicle propelled by human effort utilizing peddles, normally consisting of two wheels held in a frame, one behind the other (or another reasonably similar configuration). It does not include any form of motorized vehicle.

Saint Mary’s University encourages active transportation and has provided several bicycle parking racks across campus where bicycles can be properly secured and parked free of charge.

All bicycles are to be parked using the provided racks and must not be left unsecured, parked in any place or manner which obstructs emergency exits, doorways, walkways or roadways and must not be secured in any way to any fixture or structure on campus other than designated bicycle racks.

Bicycle parking is intended to be utilized on a daily basis. Bicycles are not to be stored for extended periods of time anywhere on campus (with the possible exception of pre-approved arrangements) including while attached to designated bike racks.

Any bicycles found to be in violation of this policy which cause an obstruction or safety hazard may be immediately removed without notice using any necessary means by the University at the owner’s risk.

Bicycles left anywhere on campus for extended periods of time may also be removed without notice. If such bicycles are secured to a designated bike rack University Security will first attach a notice to the bicycle asking the owner to remove it. If after five (5) days from the date of the notice the bicycle is not removed it is considered abandoned and will be removed by whatever means necessary and disposed of at the owner’s risk.



The University strongly encourages the university community to consider more sustainable forms of transportation such as public transit, walking, biking, or carpooling whenever possible.

Also, take a look at our Sustainability Webpage for more information on how you can get involved with the sustainability initiatives on campus.





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Facilities Management