Work Requests


Facilities Management uses a web-based work order management system called Que Centre.

About Que Centre:

This system allows you, our customers, to monitor the submitted work orders. You will be contacted by email when a work order has been approved and again when it is closed. Work orders are processed based on priorities. Approved means that your work order has been put into the queue; the timelines to completion will be based on the priority system. Complete means the work order has been closed and the requested work done. If you receive an email stating your work order has been closed, yet you still have outstanding needs, please contact us.

Another feature of this system is that you have access to your list of work orders and you are able to monitor the progress. Once the work order is closed, it is no longer visible on your "View my work orders" screen.

How do I get setup to use Que Centre?

Each department’s secretary or assistant is set up with a user account. To submit a work order, please see your departmental secretary. If you would like to be setup to submit them yourself, please contact our department at

If you do not have a login or password, contact us. It will take 1 - 2 days to process a new account. You will receive an email from providing you with your username. For your first login, your username is your password, please change your password right away. If within 1 - 2 days, you have not received your new account email, please contact us.

Once I get my user name, how do I use Que Centre?

Using the web-based program, go to

Bookmark or save this in your favourites.

The first update report email you receive from Que Centre may go to your junk mail, so please check for that first update and then mark Que Centre as a safe sender in order to receive updates in your inbox.

Facilities Management Work Request Priority Structure

PRINCIPLE: Facilities Management designates the highest priorities to student-focused work requests.

Your work request priority is based on a combination that includes work request priority, response time and facility priority.

Please see the link below to assist you in determining your work request priority and the expected response time.

FM Que Centre Priority List

Contact us
Facilities Management