Events & Initiatives

The Sexual Violence Prevention Initiative hosts a series of events and activities throughout the year that are grounded in the prevention and education of sexual violence, as well as supporting survivors of sexual violence. Please see the calendar below to register for upcoming events, workshops, and more!



  • Consent at Saint Mary's Brightspace Module
    Explore this online material at your own pace to learn about ways to prevent sexual violence and to support those who have experienced it. The module includes interactive components that includes video, audio, etc. Sign up for this course in Brightspace. For instructions, view this video tutorial. Once you complete the module, you will automatically be entered to win prizes.
  • Nova Scotia Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence Online Course
    This training is designed to help you learn more about sexual violence and how to support someone who has survived it. The course is free and you'll receive a certificate once completed. To access the course, visit here.
Contact us
Dee Dooley, Sexual Violence Advisor
409 Student Centre

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