Reporting Hazard, Incidents and Injuries

Saint Mary's University is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all faculty, staff, students and visitors.  In a constant effort to achieve and maintain this environment, the Faculty of Science Safety Committee asks that you report any hazard or concern to your supervisor. The Safety Advisor, Science Activities is available to assist employees and management with the resolution of any occupational health and safety concerns.

e-Incident Report Form Available for Science (New)

A new electronic incident report form is available to trial in Science.

The previous PDF or Word version of the form linked below is still acceptable to submit hazard, incident, or injury reports, if preferred. 

Attachments may be added when completing the form to give more details or photos of the incident. When completed, the new form will email a copy to you, your Supervisor (if specified), the Safety Advisor – Science Activities, and the HR Officer (OHS and Wellness). Supervisors will still be asked to review the incident report form, but will now email their response with any preventative actions identified to the Safety Advisor – Science Activities and the HR Officer (OHS & Wellness). Please let the Safety Advisor, Science Activities know if you have any feedback or issues when using this new form. 

Reporting Incidents and Injuries

In the event of a medical or other emergency:

  • Call either 911 or 5000 University Security Emergency.  University Security will ensure the ambulance is dispatched, send University Security staff that are trained in First Aid, CPR and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and escort the Emergency Health Services staff to the scene of the incident.
  • Give as much information as you can, including your name, telephone number, exact location, type of emergency and any other factors that could affect the safety of other.
  • Someone should stay with the injured person, if it is safe to do so to await assistance from University Security or Emergency Health Services.
  • If you call 911 and have given all the foregoing particulars, please also call University Security at 420-5000 to alert them of an emergency.

Your responsibilities when you have a health and safety injury or incident:

  • If you are injured, promptly receive first aid.
  • Notify your supervisor immediately.
  • If necessary, obtain medical treatment.

Your supervisor's responsibilities when there has been a health and safety injury or incident:

  • Ensure that the first aid and other medical treatment is received.
  • Promptly investigate the injury or incident to determine the causes.
  • Complete and return the Injury/Incident Report form  within 2 business days of the incident or injury.
  • Take appropriate corrective actions to prevent a recurrence.


The OHS Concern form may be used by employees to report a hazard or concern and by management to document the resolution of the concern.

Response Plans

Contact us
Faculty of Science
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3

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