Program Requirements

Have you declared your Major, Minor or Concentration in Anthropology?

If so, make sure you are on the Anthropology mailing list! This will keep you up to date on opportunities, events and other important information from the department. Please email your Name, Student ID # and declaration to with the subject line 'Please add to mailing list'.

Are you considering declaring a Major, Minor or Concentration in Anthropology?

Please contact for information.

Fill out the Declaration Form and bring it to the office of the Department Chair, Dr. Rylan Higgins.

1. To obtain a minor in Anthropology, students are required to have completed at least twenty-four (24) credit hours in Anthropology. Six (6) credit hours must be selected from among ANTH 1202, 1271, 1280, or 1290. Twelve (12) credit hours must be at the 2000 level of above.

2. To complete a double concentration in Anthropology, the requirement for the ninety (90) credit hour B.A., students are required to have completed at least twenty-four (24) credit hours. These must include ANTH 1202, 1271, 1280, and 1290.  The remaining twelve (12) credit hours must be from courses at the 2000 level or above.

3. To obtain a major in Anthropology, students are required to have completed at least thirty-six (36) credit hours in Anthropology. These must include ANTH 1202, 1271, 1280, and 1290. The remaining credits must be at the 2000 level or above. The program of study for majors will be discussed with the student's departmental advisor who will be assigned at the time the major is declared.

4. To obtain an Honours in Anthropology, a student must first be admitted to the honours program and then graduate from the honours program.

a. To be admitted to the program, a student must satisfy pertinent Faculty of Arts requirements and secure an approved thesis committee.

b. To graduate from the program, a student must satisfy pertinent Faculty of Arts requirements and complete the equivalent of sixty (60) credit hours in Anthropology including the following obligatory core: ANTH 1202, 1271, 1280, 1290, 4452, 4501, and 4502. In addition, students must complete, six (6) credit hours at the 2000 level or above in each of the four subfields of archaeological, biological, socio-cultural, and linguistic anthropology as well as three (3) credit hours in anthropological methods.

c. To graduate from the program, students must also receive minimum grades of B (3.0) in ANTH 4501 and 4502.

d. Students are permitted to count LING 2309, 2310, 2330, 2340 and 3320 as Linguistic Anthropology courses at the 2000 level or above.

5. With the approval of the Chairperson of the Department, the following courses may be used to satisfy requirements for Anthropology courses at the 2000 level or above: ANTH 3826-3849, 3876-3899, 4826-4849, 4850-4875, 4876-4899.


Note: The prerequisite for a given course may have a prerequisite itself. It is important to keep this in mind when planning your academic career.


Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Department of Anthropology
Mailing address:
McNally South 218
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3