Environmental Science is a diversified program with many of our undergraduates satisfying the requirements of a B.Sc. (Honours).
In meeting the program's requirements our undergraduates have researched, defended and published the following works:
Bennett, Samantha. 2023. Effects of jumping worms on European Earthworms and soil propertiesSupervisors: Drs. Helen Phillips and Erin Cameron, Environmental Science
Nicols, Kailey D.M. 2023. Understanding the effects of managed realignment schemes on salt marsh recovery by assessing the spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation colonization in the Bay of Fundy, CanadaSupervisor: Dr. Danika van Proosdij, Geography and Environmental Studies
Schofield, Lauren. 2023. Ecophysiology of Atlantic coastal shrubs in response to ocean salt stressSupervisor: Dr. Ellie Goud, Biology
Rashid, Leila A. 2021. Documenting recent human influences using remote sensing techniques on the Tekes River alluvial fan, Xinjiang, China Supervisor: Dr. Philip Giles, Geography and Environmental Studies
JnBaptiste, Frejhan. 2021. Assessing coastal vulnerability to sea level rise in St. Lucia and the resiliency of beachesSupervisor: Dr. Danika van Proosdij, Geography and Environmental StudiesNgulube, Makadunyiswe D. 2021. The wave dissipation potential of Spartina alterniflora in the Bay of FundySupervisor: Dr. Danika van Proosdij, Geography and Environmental Studies
Samways, Jenacy R. 2021. Investigating the global drivers of earthworm species diversity on islandsSupervisor: Dr. Erin Cameron, Environmental Science
Scott, Lindsay M. 2021. The spread of earthworm cocoons by vehicular traffic on unpaved roadsSupervisor: Dr. Erin Cameron, Environmental Science
Silver, Madison E. 2021. Analysis of functional ecological connectivity across selected landscapes in Prince Edward Island, Canada Supervisor: Dr. Peter Bush, Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry
Breau, Rachelle. 2020. Overview of the biological characteristics of Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) spawning runs on the Isthmus of Chignecto, New Brunswick, Canada Supervisor: Dr. Laura Weir, Biology
Fraser, Meghan P. 2020. Ecological thresholds of the Chinese mystery snail (Cipangopaludina chinensis) in relation to Nova Scotia environmentsSupervisor: Dr. Linda Campbell, Environmental Science
Burrell, Lyndsey. 2019. Identifying pollinator communities visiting berry-producing plants on coastal barrensSupervisor: Dr. Jeremy Lundholm, Environmental Science, Biology
McNamara, Evan R. 2019. Pollinator activity and floral variation of Sable Island, Nova ScotiaSupervisor: Dr. Jeremy Lundholm, Biology
Kavanagh, Darcy Shane. 2018. Enhancing the effectiveness of wind power source assessmentSupervisor: Dr. Cristian Suteanu, Environmental Science
Mitchell, Morgan. 2018. Controls on the production of ground level ozone in Halifax, Nova ScotiaSupervisor: Dr. Aldona Wiacek, Environmental Science and Astronomy and Physics
MacIntyre, Makeala. 2017. Comparing shallow groundwater hydrodynamics in reference peatlands and the ditched Big Meadow Bog complex on Brier Island, Nova Scotia Supervisors: Tony Bowron, Environmental Science and Dr. John Brazner, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Goulding, Liam. 2017. Early-Earth small molecule reactions: an experimental survey of submarine alkaline hydrothermal vent chemistrySupervisor: Dr. Jason Clyburne, Environmental Science, Chemistry
Grimshaw-Surette, Hughstin. 2016. A comparison of native and novel ecosystems: green roof impacts on plant growth and pest abundanceSupervisor: Dr. Jeremy Lundholm, Biology
Purcell, Julia. 2016. Comparison of first Saint Mary's University Open-Path Fourier Transfor Infrared (OP-FTIR) spectrometer measurement results with National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) air quality measurements in HalifaxSupervisor: Dr. Aldona Wiacek, Environmental Science
Kickbush, Jocelyn. 2015. Comparing mercury, arsenic, and selenium in several fish species from two Nova Scotia lakes.Supervisor: Dr. Linda Campbell, Department of Environmental ScienceCo-Supervisor: Dr. Jason Clyburne, Environmental Science and Chemistry
Dorey, Katherine. 2014. Begging Duration as a Potential Indicator of Nestling Condition in First and Second Broods of European Starlings (Sturnus Vulgaris). Supervisor: Dr. Colleen Barber, Biology.
Stevens, Carolyn. 2014. An Examination of Mercury Concentrations in White Perch, Yellow Perch, and White Sucker in Cumberland and Guysborough Counties in Nova Scotia.Supervisor: Dr. Linda Campbell, Environmental Science
Blotnicky, Brenden. 2013. The Relationship between Suspended Sediment Concentration and Sediment Deposition within a Macro-Tidal Salt Marsh Tidal Creek System. Supervisor: Dr. Danika van Proosdij, Geography and Environmental Studies.
Glogowski, Alisha. 2013. Information from the wrack : viability of halophytic vegetation within tidal wetland wrack mats Supervisor: Tony Bowron, Environmental Science
Murphy, Liam. 2013. Dendrochronological analysis of balsam fir (Abies balsamea) radial tree-ring growth across edges created by a spruce budworm outbreak. Supervisor: Dr. Karen A. Harper, Biology.
Skinner, Christa. 2013. Analysis of the relationship between vegetative community structure and geodetic elevation for salt marsh restoration in hypertidal systems. Supervisor: Dr. Danika van Proosdij, Geography and Environmental Studies.
Bijman, Alison. 2012. The Influence of Tidal Creek Networks on Wetland Vegetation Colonization in a Macro-tidal System. Supervisor. Dr. Jeremy Lundolm, Departments of Environmental Science and Biology.
Lawrence, Lissa. 2012. Patterns of Roosting Association in a Maternity Colony of Little Brown Bats (Myotis Lucifugus).Supervisor: Dr. Hugh Broders, Department of Biology.
McClintick, Jessica. 2012. Chemistry of Sodium Percarbonate as an Environmentally Friendly Disinfectant in Saltwater Aquaculture.Supervisor: Dr. Jason Clyburne, Departments of Environmental Science and Chemistry.
Poirier, Emma. 2012. Sedimentary Dynamics within a Hypertidal Salt Marsh and Tidal Creek System. Supervisor: Dr. Danika van Proosdij, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.
Simon, Molly. 2012. Seedling germination and survival on Nova Scotia's disturbed coastal barrens. Supervisor: Dr. Jeremy Lundholm, Departments of Environmental Science and Biology.
Taylor, Charles. 2012. Multi- criterial analysis of surface air temperature patterns in Arctic Canada. Supervisor: Dr. Cristian Suteanu, Departments of Environmental Science and Geography and Environmental Studies.
Regis, Jamar. 2010. The Effects of the Canso Causeway on Sediment Deposition and Geochemical Environment Within the Strait of Canso. Supervisor: Dr. David Piper, Department of Geology.
Greene, Lyndsay. 2009. The Role of Ice in an Upper Bay of Fundy Marsh: Dispersal Agent of Sediment and Vegetation. Supervisor: Danika van Proosdij, Department of Geography.
Adams, Chelsea. 2008. The Development of a Marine Community Monitoring Program in Support of Citizen Science in Nova Scotia. Supervisor: Cathy Conrad, Department of Geography.
Harris, Adam. 2008. A Greener View From the Top: Green Roofs, Temperature Reduction, and the Urban Heat Island in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Supervisor: Jeremy Lundholm, Environmental Studies Program and Department of Biology.
Hori, Yukari. 2008. Multiscale Evaluation of the Space-Time Variability of Temperature Patterns in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Supervisor: Cristian Suteanu, Environmental Studies Program and Department of Geography.
Coombs, Andrea B. 2007. Spatio-Temporal Aspects of the Movement Patterns of Moose from the Endangered Mainland Nova Scotia Population. Supervisor: Hugh Broders, Department of Biology.
Wolf, Derek. 2007. Differences in Water Loss and Drought Tolerance Among 14 Plant Species: Implications for Green Roof Performance. Supervisor: Jeremy Lundholm, Environmental Studies Program and Department of Biology.
Woods, Oliver C. 2007. An Integrative Approach to Prioritizing Aquatic Habitat Restoration Sites in the Wooden's River Watershed, Nova Scotia. Supervisor: Catherine T. Conrad, Department of Geography.
Burley, Scott. 2006. Post-Disturbance Vegetation Recovery at Point Pleasant Park, Halifax Nova Scotia.Supervisor: Jeremy Lundholm, Environmental Studies Program and Department of Biology.
Cameron, Jennifer C. 2006. Environmental Impacts Associated with Historical Gold Mine Wastes in the Intertidal Area of Seal Harbour, Nova Scotia. Supervisor: Philip Giles, Department of Geography.
Okwese, Ann C. 2006. Chemical Evolution of Oxisols: Insights from the Cretaceous Chaswood Formation, Nova Scotia. Supervisor: Georgia Pe-Piper, Department of Geology.
O'Toole, Erinn. 2006. Regeneration Characteristics of Coastal Barren Plant Species. Supervisor: Jeremy Lundholm, Environmental Studies Program and the Department of Biology.
Robinson, Sarah. 2006. Seed bank survey of Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia, following a major hurricane disturbance. Supervisor: Jeremy Lundholm, Environmental Studies Program and the Department of Biology.
Tutty, Bridge R. 2006. Temporal variation in bat activity at two hibernacula in Nova Scotia: Spring emergence, fall immerge and management concerns. Supervisor: Hugh Broders, Department of Biology.
Draper, Emily M. 2005. Environmental Education in the classroom: Does it Work? The effectiveness of an Environmental Education Program for grade six students in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Co-Supervisors: Roxanne Richardson, Environmental Studies Program and Steven Smith, Department of Psychology.
Marlin, Ashley. 2005. Microhabitat differentiation in urban plant communities. Supervisor; Jeremy Lundholm, Environmental Studies Program and the Department of Biology.
Schnare, Derek R. 2005. A cost-benefit analysis of the economic feasibility of green roof implementation in Halifax. Supervisor: Jeremy Lundholm, Environmental Studies Program and the Department of Biology.
Additional Undergraduate Honours Students Theses, prior to 2005, are listed here: Undergraduate Honours Theses 1997-2004
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