Research Members
Dr. Adel Merabet, Director of the Laboratory
Graduate Students
Project: Fault detection and diagnosis in microgrids
Project: Microgrid based renewable sources (Topic: TBD)
Project: Solar and wind resources forecasting for power management.
Project: Image processing and data analytics for robotics in retail applications.
Undergraduate Students
Project: Robot design and navigation.
Former Members
Project: Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in wind energy conversion systems
Project: Supervisory control interface for experimental hybrid wind & solar energy system
Project: Dual-mode operation of grid-tied photovoltaic and wind energy conversion systems with active and reactive power injection
Hisham Eshaft, MSc Applied Science, (Sep. 2015 - Aug. 2017)
Zainab Mokhtar, Master of Innovation and Technology, (Jan. 2016 - Aug. 2016)
Khandker Tawfique Ahmed, MSc Applied Science (Sep. 2014 - Aug. 2016)
Project: Energy management and control systems for hybrid wind-solar energy system with battery storage
Aman A. Tanvir, MSc Applied Science (Sep. 2014 - Aug. 2016); Control System Developer, EIT (PT: 2017-2018)
Project: Control system for DFIG based wind energy conversion system
Project: Power management and control for solar-wind-diesel stand-alone hybrid energy systems
Project: Modeling, simulation and development of supervision control system for hybrid wind diesel system
Project: Study and analysis of Conext SW Schneider microgrid
Project: Power electronics interface for experimental small size photovoltaic energy conversion system
Project: Monitoring system for pitch wind turbine experiment
Project: DC-DC converter based power electronics interface
Project: Development of LabVIEW Interface for brushless motor control using NI CompactRIO
Project: Neural networks based wind speed predictive model
Project: Development of power electronics interface for wind turbine experiment workstation
Project: Maximum power point tracking control for wind turbine
Project: Power management system for wind turbine power generation
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