Launched in 2011 as the first dedicated environmental studies degree in the Maritimes, the Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) at Saint Mary’s University offers students a rigorous and multidisciplinary environmental education. Drawing on research expertise and pedagogical excellence from across the university, the BES degree integrates environmentally-focused courses in the social sciences, humanities, commerce, and natural sciences. From environmental policy to nature writing, habitat restoration to environmental history, natural resource economics to environmental justice, the BES degree program offers something for everyone. The program delivers a diverse, flexible, and intimate learning environment emphasizing critical thinking and the comprehensive analysis of environmental issues. Ultimately, our program equips students to develop appropriate and innovative responses to pressing environmental challenges, while helping to create more sustainable communities at every scale, from the neighbourhood to the planet.
The BES degree program is administered through the Faculty of Arts, is closely affiliated with the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, and is part of the School of the Environment at Saint Mary’s University.
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