Frequently Asked Questions

Services and Appointments

Yes. Even if you already have a family physician, you are welcome to access the Student Health Clinic. 

Children and spouses of students can access the  Student Health Clinic while the student is enrolled at Saint Mary's and for up to one year after graduation.

Students who have a valid provincial health card (excluding Quebec residents) or students enrolled International Basic Health Plan will not  have an associated cost for their appointment.

Yes. Physicians can renew a prescription. It is recommended that you book an appointment at least one to two weeks before your medication runs out.


No. Visit the Nova Scotia Health website to book an appointment for blood collection.


Yes. Our physicians can provide the immunizations and boosters that are recommended in Nova Scotia.

Vaccines available through the Student Health Clinic include, but are not limited to:

  • Influenza
  • Meningococcal B
  • Td (Tetanus and diphtheria)
  • MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
  • And more!

Please note the Covid19 vaccines and boosters are not available through the Student Health Clinic.

If you have questions about specific vaccines, please contact us at

Yes, There is a $10 fee for a sick note for academic purposes and a $20 fee for a sick note for work purposes. Be prepared to provide your physician with a list of professors who will require the sick note.


The Student Health Clinic does not provide dental services.

First, you need to book an appointment with a physician. The physician can provide you with a referral for a specialist appointment.


For emergencies, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. For non-emergency situations, you call 811 to access the Nova Scotia Telecare Service. Available 24/7, you can use this service to talk to a registered nurse about your symptoms.


Contact us
Saint Mary's Student Health Clinic
Fourth Floor, O’Donnell Hennessey Student Centre (403 SC)