Faculty & Staff

Goran V. Stanivukovic

English Language and Literature
Phone: 902-420-5708
Office: MN328
Email: goran.stanivukovic@smu.ca


I am a Professor of Early Modern English Literature and of cultural studies, and my research areas cover Shakespeare and his contemporaries, Ovid, rhetoric, queer early modern literature and culture, and the Mediterranean. In addition, I am the Adjunct (Professor) in the graduate program in English at Dalhousie University. I have been at Saint Mary's University since 1999, and between 2005-2007, I was Lecturer in Shakespeare and English Renaissance Literature at The University of Sheffield. At Saint Mary's, I teach courses across all genres of early modern English literature, as well as cultural studies. My recent publications include the monographs, Tragedies of the English Renaissance (with J. H. Cameron, Edinburgh UP, 2017/2018) and Knights in Arms: Masculinity, Prose Romance, and Fictions of Eastern Mediterranean Trade in Early Modern England, 1565-1655 (U of Toronto P, 2016), and the collections of essays, Ovid and Masculinity in English Renaissance Literature (McGill-Queen's UP, 2020, with J. Garrison), Queer Shakespeare: Desire and Sexuality (Bloomsbury, 2017/2019), Timely Voices: Romance Writing in English Literature (McGill-Queen's UP, 2017), and the special issue, Comedy and Its Afterlife, of the OUP journal, Forum for Modern Language Studies 52:2 (2022), which I have co-edited with J. Cameron. I am currently finishing a monograph on Shakespeare's early style. My most recent SSHRC research grant, for the period 2023-2025, is to begin a new project on the transformation of the late mediaeval notion of wonder in dramatic and fictional romance in the age of Shakespeare. I have received the President's Annual Award for Research Excellence (2009), the Calvin and Rose G Hoffman Prize for a distinguished publication on Christopher Marlowe from The King's School in Canterbury (2008), research fellowships from the Folger, Huntington, and Newberry libraries, from the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, and from UCLA. From 2011-2013, I held the EU-Marie Curie International Incoming Research Fellowship at University College Cork, and between April and November of 2022, I was also the Visiting Research Fellow in the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance at the University of Warwick. Most recently, I have held the Plumer Visiting Research Fellowship at St Anne's College at Oxford (2020) and a Visiting Research Fellowship at St Catherine's College, Oxford (2022). 


Dr. Goran Stanivukovic’s essay about Christopher Marlowe and his tragedy Edward II is published in the program for the current stage production of this play by the Royal Shakespeare Company at Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. Click here to view the essay.

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Department of English Language and Literature
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